On February 15, a concert from the “Panorama of Bulgarian Choral Art” cycle took place in the “Bulgaria” Chamber Hall – Sofia. Six choir formations from the country took part in it, which last year celebrated anniversaries of their establishment or won awards at national and international competitions. These were:
Mixed Choir “Black Sea Sounds” – at the “P. Hilendarski – 1870” National Choir – Balchik with conductor Dr. Valentina Georgieva, celebrating 110 years since its establishment;
Mixed Choir “Iron Strings” at the “Razvitie – 1869” National Choir – Razgrad with conductor Krasen Ivanov, celebrating 120 years since its establishment;
Women’s Choir “Golden Lyre” – Targovishte with conductor Iliana Ivanova, celebrating 50 years;
Mixed Choir “Petko Staynov” at the National Choir “Iskra -1860” – Kazalak with conductor Mladen Stanev – won the First Prize at the International Choir Festival “Michelangelo Buonarroti” – Italy;
Academic Choir “Angel Manolov” at the National Choir Society – Sofia with conductor Darena Popova, celebrated 95 years since its establishment and won the Gold Medal and Grand Prix of World Cup of Folklore – Veliko Tarnovo;
Vocal Ensemble “Fortissimo” – Burgas with conductor Milena Dobreva, won the World Cup at the International Choir Competition “Sing for Gold” – Spain.
The concert program featured works by composers from different styles and eras – Mozart, G. Verdi, H. Purcell, B. Anderson, P. Staynov, R. Slavinska, T. Minkin, T. Popov, G. Petkov, etc.
All choirs received a Diploma for their participation from the Bulgarian Choral Union.
The idea of the cycle “Panorama of Bulgarian Choral Art” is to annually perform on the most prestigious music stage in the country the choirs that achieved the greatest successes in the previous year and those that have celebrated significant anniversaries since their establishment. This year the focus was on choirs whose singers are over 18 years old.
The concert “Panorama of Bulgarian Choral Art” was realized under a project financed by the National Culture Fund.