II International Festival of Choral Art “Land of Glorious Ancestors” – Novi Pazar, 2024.

– to popularize choral music;
– to display and promote church chants
– to support the creation of new creative contacts between Bulgarian and foreign choirs;
– possibility to exchange repertoire.
Date and venue: 5 and 6 October 2024.
Participants in the festival are divided into two categories:
First category:
– Bulgarian and foreign church choirs (mixed and homogeneous), which perform Orthodox church chants and participate in Orthodox services;
– Bulgarian and foreign amateur choirs (mixed and homogeneous), which perform Orthodox church chants.
Second category:
– Bulgarian and foreign amateur choirs (mixed and homogenous) that perform secular music;
Age groups:
– first age group – up to 17 years
– second age group – over 17 years old.
Rules for
Venue of the festival:
temple “St. Paraskeva” in the town of Novi Pazar (for participants in the I category);
the auditorium of the “Hristo Botev – 1872” National Theater in the town of Novi Pazar (for participants in the II category);
the historical-archaeological reserve “Madara” and the great basilica in the National historical-archaeological reserve “Pliska” (outdoor concert with the participants of the festival)