On February 25 at 3:00 PM, a presentation of a new collection of choral songs will take place at the Uniart Gallery in Sofia. “Selected Choral Works” presents some of the most popular and beloved by conductors, choristers and lovers of choral art songs from the entire work of Georgi Petkov. All works have proven […]
On February 15, a concert from the “Panorama of Bulgarian Choral Art” cycle took place in the “Bulgaria” Chamber Hall – Sofia. Six choir formations from the country took part in it, which last year celebrated anniversaries of their establishment or won awards at national and international competitions. These were: Mixed Choir “Black Sea Sounds” […]
Over 350 choristers from 13 formations from Novi Pazar, Shumen, Varna, Lovech, Tryavna, Tervel and Gyurghevo took part in the second edition of the International Choir Festival “Land of the Glorious Grandfathers” in Novi Pazar. In the rich festival program, they gave concerts on four different stages in the Shumen region. On October 4, the […]
Children’s choir “Danube Waves” of the ObDCKIs conductor Vesela Todorova and pianist Milena Rubcheva took part in the 12th consecutive edition of the International Choir Festival “Music and Sea” in Paralia Katerinis – Greece. The talented Russians performed in the competition part and unquestionably won the FIRST PRIZE in their category among competitors from Moldova, […]
The Plovdiv Women’s Choir “Trimontcium” has returned after its successful participation in the ACQUA AZZURRA International Choir Festival, Lago di Garda, Verona – Italy. The purpose of the event is to provide the choristers with performances in front of a wide audience – children and adults, to provide an opportunity for them to develop and […]
The international choral festival “Chernomorski zvutsi”, which is organized with the support of the Bulgarian Choral Union, was awarded a diploma of distinction by the Bulgarian Association of Employers in the Field of Culture (BAROK) and the Civic Institute. in the “Festival” category of the “ProKultura” awards. This prestigious award recognizes the festival’s significant contribution […]
NOVI PAZAR MUNICIPALITY PEOPLE’S READING CENTER “CHRISTO BOTEV – 1872” II International Festival of Choral Art “Land of Glorious Ancestors” – Novi Pazar, 2024. Objectives: – to popularize choral music; – to display and promote church chants – to support the creation of new creative contacts between Bulgarian and foreign choirs; – possibility to exchange […]
Holy Metropolis of Sliven Municipality of Nessebar Primary school “Yana Luskova – 1905” Nessebar ORGANIZE The second edition of the International Choir Festival for Sacred Music “Virgin, Rejoice”, Nessebar September 7-8, 2024. Launched in celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the forum is held under the patronage of His Eminence Metropolitan […]
Фестивалът за духовна хорова музика „Трипесен” се организира от Българския хоров съюз и Старинен храм „Света София – Премъдрост Божия” със съдействието на Софийска света митрополия. Ще се представят български хорове, изпълняващи музикални произведения с духовна тематика. Провежда се в дните преди големия християнски празник Петдесетница или Света Троица. ПРОГРАМА: 19.06.2024 г., сряда Официално откриване […]
The singers, under the conducting of Mina Vlajkova, presented themselves with competition and concert programs.
The ECA invites all those interested to join a Membership Weekend and General Assembly in November in Vilnius.
The theme of the conference is "Networking in the choral world - creating platforms or choral associations"